Today I’m home with some kind of winter yuck and not looking pretty at all. So there will not be an outfit positing. I thought I would however, talk about my Consignment/Thrift Store adventure on Saturday instead.
A friend reintroduced me to thrift store clothes shopping. I’ve never really ever had any luck when I had attempted this before. It always seemed like everyone else found all these fantastic finds. Me… Not so much! However, while in
Anchorage I did find a wonderful fur vest for a steal and thus… I was hooked and ready to go on the hunt here at home.
I Googled “Consignment Shops” in the
Richmond area and with list in hand, off we went. The first shop on our list was very disappointing – many household items to be found there. Well with the exception of an “OK” Coach bag for $88.00. But, it did have some stains and wasn’t really a stellar find. The next shop was 90% household; however, I did find an excellent box of treasures. The box had all kinds of scarves and they were only $0.25/each. I found four that I thought would work perfectly in someone’s (Carole) wardrobe.
We moved onto the next half-dozen shops. There were way too many H&M, Gap, Old Navy, etc… items for sale at prices that I could have gotten in season when they had originally gone on sale at H&M, Gap, Old Navy, etc… I refuse to spend that much money on something used.
We then moved onto Carytown and I must admit I was finding higher end items but in general nothing stellar. I was finding thousand dollar items on sell for eight hundred dollar on names that I have never heard of. There was one particular shop that I fell in love with the items but nothing really fit me properly… too small or way too large. The place was called Ciao and had some wonder buys. A leather maxi skirt for $100, the leather alone was well worth that. And, a wonderful sweater vest that was about four times to large once I was finally brave enough to strip down. The shop didn’t have any heat other than a tiny space heater. It was 22 degrees outside and about 55 in the building. But, I digress… I so thought the owner of this shop had some of the best fashion sense. I found a leather poncho that she had wrapped a black scarf around… A look I would never have thought of.

After lunch we moved onto “Seconds Debut by Goodwill”. This shop had plenty to offer. It looked more upscale than the average Goodwill but the prices were inline with the average Goodwill. All skirts were $8.99 and I found one that is going to be perfect this spring. I can dress it up or down as you can see by the pictures.
My guy was getting tired and it was time to start heading home. To sum up this adventure… Success! There are plenty more consignment shops to explore. I have not exhausted the list of consignment shops by any means. It seems that
Richmond has a plethora of shops to be explored and a couple worth returning to.